I stopped by this church again on my way home for the holidays. The sky was rather boring so I was a bit dissapointed but oh well. Compared to my last time there, this one is definitely not as favorite...
I know... Not an exciting title... But a nice image. Tomorrow is the only total lunar eclipse of the year, and its 100% visible from where I'm at, so I'll try to get some images of it. Should be fun. Cheers.
I'll gradually be working through more images from the fire, tho from here on out I'll be interspersing them with my regular work. Thanks everybody for the interest and be sure to check back for more great photos from around Provo and abroad (I am working through a huge backlog of photos from a 4 month trip to the Middle East, and am planning a trip to Europe in the coming months!)
Wow, I was just made aware of these photos over on KSL. The painting of Christ was burned, but only the edges, leaving Jesus mostly untouched. A small miracle amidst the chaos.
At the fire yesterday the guys from Pixair Pro (pixairpro.com) were on hand with their aerial heli, and I took some behind the scenes footage for them... this morning they let me see their video and said I could post it here on the blog. Here is their Youtube Video with yours truly doing the shots on the ground. Pretty sweet stuff. Super smooth aerials too.
In case you are living under a rock (or not in Provo or Mormondom), the Provo Tabernacle burnt down this morning. I didn't hear about it till 10 am and so didn't really get many dramatic shots. I did stick around for several hours tho and managed to get a few decent shots.
First off, here is one that a fireman took for me. He told me about a painting of Christ hanging just inside the front door that was so far untouched by the flames. I couldn't get it from where I was (even though I was well inside the police tape thanks to some aerial photogs I was helping out... more on them later), so the fireman (didn't catch his name.. sorry!) took my camera up onto the firetruck a ways and was able to take some brackets for me. Here is the result.
Deseret News is going to run this photo someplace, not sure if it will be in print or only online.. But either way that is fun.
Here are some shots of the same doorway that are zoomed out so you can see where the painting was--surrounded by burnt and burning rubble. Pretty amazing..
This first one... ahem... may or may not be slightly (and poorly...) photoshopped to show whats behind the dark smoke. but that is the same door and the same place, only it was too smoky when the wide shot was taken to really see inside. (plus some other stuff fell down in the meantime). I may try to make a better composite of those two images later.
Here is a shot that I got that I am pretty proud of. Totally a fluke on the timing, but hey, life's a fluke sometimes...
Everything else is presented pretty much in the order I shot it. It was really interesting to see all the fire surrounded by ice from the firetruck water. Made for some really interesting contrast.
It is super sad to see this amazing historic building burn. They don't know what started the fire, but there was a ton of stuff in the building when it went down, as BYU-Broadcasting had been filming a concert and other things there. Probably close to a million dollars in camera and lighting equipment, a $200,000+ grande piano, an antique harp, full percussion kit and lots of other stuff, not to mention all the priceless original artwork, the pipe organ, and everything else. This is a sad day.
Just got in from shooting pics of the fire, working madly to get some stuff ready. Have some great footage as well as an amazing shot of an unburned painting of Christ amid the flames. Thanks and credit go to Provo Fire Dept for helping me get the shot. Will post within the hour.
Or not so big city.. I should post a larger version but I'm too lazy at the moment. This is another panorama though and is quite high resolution. Provo is a pretty little town.
Trying something new... A vertical panorama. I shot a ton of pictures of Provo a few evenings ago and will be gradually working through them. I just bought a screen calibrator, so I donno if the colors/brightness/darkness will look right on this but in the future things should become more standard on the site (and when I deliver files to clients...)
I only lined up two weddings this semester, and finally am starting some post work on the first one. Here are just a few detail shots. The luncheon was at The Melting Pot, and was amazing!